Wednesday May 19th Auction - CUSTOMER SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER 989-306-3989 Bidders & Consigners Please Call WE WILL HELP!

Wednesday May 19th Auction - CUSTOMER SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER 989-306-3989 Bidders & Consigners Please Call WE WILL HELP!

Your bid is considered a legally binding contract. Once a bid is placed, it cannot be canceled or retracted.

All items are sold in 'as is', 'where is' conditions.
Most items are available for inspection during our normal business hours. While all items are described as accurately as possible, you are urged to inspect items before removal from auction house.
Items must be checked for damage, missing or broken parts at the time of pickup.
All refunds are forfeited after 14 days of the auction date.

Items not removed by the posted times will result in a storage fee charge.
All winning bids must be picked up weekly

Should your winning bids still be here after 7 days, storage fees will be added.
Storage charges will be added weekly as followed; 20% of the invoice total or $5.00, per week, whichever is greater.

4696 W Grand River Rd, Webberville, Michigan 48892
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